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Avoid the Nightmare of Waking Up With Headaches

Written by
Reviewed by
Jeff Kahn
Woman waking up with a headache

Waking up with a headache is a terrible way to start the day. If it happens often enough, getting to the root cause of the problem will likely become a top priority. The first question? Is it a sleep problem or a headache problem?

If you have a history of chronic headaches, you might decide that a headache disorder could be to blame for your morning misery. But what if poor sleep is contributing to your headaches?

If you’re a person who rarely gets enough sleep, you might suspect that sleep deprivation is causing the headaches. But what if it’s your aching head that’s keeping you from getting the sleep you need?

Getting caught up in this loop of uncertainty, one thing becomes clear: you’re dealing with a sticky issue. One way to approach this type of chicken-and-egg problem is to focus on each issue separately.

  • Improve your sleep hygiene to find out if meeting your sleep need helps keep morning headaches at bay.
  • Seek medical advice to help treat or prevent your chronic morning headaches.

But considering the foundational importance of sleep to overall wellness — and the significant cognitive, physical, and emotional repercussions attributed to sleep deprivation — the first order of business should be adjusting your daily habits to improve your sleep.

In this article, we’ll explain how lack of sleep can contribute to pain and headaches, and we’ll share tips for improving sleep hygiene to get the sleep your body needs. We’ll also explore the specific types of headaches, sleep disorders, and other medical issues associated with early morning head pain.  

Possible Causes of Morning Headaches

Sometimes called awakening headaches, morning headaches can have more than one contributing factor. Some of the main categories include:

  • Insufficient sleep: When you don’t get the sleep your body needs, the negative physical impacts of the lost sleep may include pain and headaches. 
  • Sleep disorders: The sleep loss associated with most sleep disorders can cause headaches. But reduced oxygen in the blood caused by the airway restriction of sleep apnea is especially conducive to morning headaches.  
  • Headache disorders: People who suffer from chronic headaches know that a headache can strike at any time of day. And morning head pain is often caused by migraines, hypnic headaches, cluster headaches, tension-type headaches, and secondary headaches related to other medical conditions. 
  • Substances: Consumption of alcohol and certain medications can contribute to both sleep loss and headaches.

Before we delve into the details of morning headaches, it’s important to note that the association between headaches and sleep problems is bidirectional. Headaches can disrupt sleep, and sleep disturbances can precede, trigger, or worsen headaches. The good news is, anything you do to treat or improve one may also have a positive impact on the other.

The Link Between Headaches and Insufficient Sleep

Waking up with headaches: person lying in bed with a headache

If you’re looking for a way to upgrade almost every aspect of your life or just feel better and enjoy yourself more often — improve your sleep. Or if something feels off and you’re just not feeling or performing at your best, poor sleep is probably playing into that in one or more ways. And your health and wellbeing are certainly affected. Let’s take a look at sleep’s role in pain and morning headaches.

Sleep loss increases the production of proteins that cause chronic pain in the body. Because sleep deprivation reduces pain tolerance, it can make what might have been minor cranial discomfort register as a full-blown headache. And insomnia is a risk factor for higher headache frequency . 

The mechanisms of sleep are not fully understood, but we do know that sleep supports proper functioning of the glymphatic system, which helps clear the brain of protein waste products and is most active during sleep. That’s why sleep can have a therapeutic role in terminating a headache, and getting sufficient sleep — and keeping sleep debt low — is protective against headaches.

Sleep debt is the amount of sleep you owe your body — as compared to the sleep your body needed — over a 14-day period. Paying it down and keeping it low to reduce the risk or severity of headaches starts with good sleep hygiene.

Sleep hygiene is the upkeep of behaviors that impact the way you sleep. Here are some guidelines for improving yours:

  • Get light at the right times: Light is the most important external influence on your circadian rhythm, the internal body clock that governs your sleep-wake cycle and tells every cell in the body when to be active and inactive during roughly 24-hour periods. Getting some sunlight first thing in the morning and avoiding light (or wearing blue-light blocking glasses) 90 minutes before bedtime can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. And because light can disrupt the body’s natural production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, it’s important to create a zero-light sleeping environment using blackout curtains and an eye mask.
  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine: Set a bedtime and wake time that will allow you to meet your sleep need and stick to it. An erratic sleep schedule can throw off your circadian rhythm. Institute a nightly wind-down period to disconnect from the stress of your day and make it easier to transition into sleep. You might listen to calming music, read a chapter of a novel, or take a warm bath or shower.
  • Mind your caffeine intake: Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning is fine, as it can help shake off the morning grogginess — or sleep inertia — that’s a normal part of your circadian rhythm. Caffeine can also help alleviate headaches. But avoid caffeine in the 10 hours before bedtime to prevent its stimulating effects from interfering with your sleep at night. (The RISE app can remind you of this cutoff time each day.)
  • Adjust your daily habits: Exercise daily, as regular physical activity can make it easier to get the sleep you need at night. And avoid consuming alcohol, a known sleep disruptor, in the 3-4 hours before bedtime.

How Sleep Apnea Causes Morning Headaches

Waking up with headaches: person sleeping with a CPAP machine

People who experience frequent headaches are more likely to be diagnosed with a sleep disorder than those who do not. And sleep loss associated with most sleep disorders has the potential to cause headaches. But headaches that occur in the morning are especially common with sleep apnea.

A sleep disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, sleep apnea can cause snoring, morning headaches, and excessive daytime sleepiness. 

In obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the most common form of sleep apnea, the throat muscles relax intermittently and block the airway during sleep, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen in the blood and the brain. When oxygen levels drop, the correlating increase in carbon dioxide causes the blood vessels in the brain to dilate. The pain caused by that dilation is usually experienced as a morning headache. 

Doctors treating OSA may recommend lifestyle changes to help you lose weight or quit smoking. In more severe cases, patients may use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to help them breathe more and snore less.

Morning Onset and Headache Disorders

According to the National Headache Foundation, migraines, cluster headaches, and tension-type headaches often strike in the early morning in part because of hormonal fluctuations: “Between about 4 a.m and 8 a.m., the body tends to produce less of its natural painkillers, the endorphins and enkephalins, than at other times of the day.” (But keep in mind, this time frame may be true for many people, but it won’t be true for all people since there are different chronotypes.)

And because adrenaline, which affects blood pressure and the regulation of blood vessel dilation and contraction, is released in larger quantities during the early morning hours, it’s not uncommon to experience a headache upon waking. Let’s take a look at the types of headaches most likely to strike when you wake up.

Migraine Headaches

A migraine is a recurrent headache that can cause severe throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head. Other symptoms include disturbed vision, nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. For some chronic sufferers, migraines can be debilitating. 

In one large 2005 study, 71% of the participating migraine sufferers reported headaches awakening them from sleep. According to the American Migraine Foundation, early morning is the most common time for migraine attacks because most over-the-counter and narcotic pain medications (that may have been taken before bed) wear off in 4-8 hours, making people more vulnerable to the pain.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are named for the cyclical patterns in which they typically occur. Bouts of attacks (that often occur daily or every other day), known as cluster periods, can last for weeks or months. And headache-free remission periods can last for months or years.

A rare but severe type of headache, a cluster headache commonly awakens sufferers in the middle of the night with intense eye pain on one side of the head, often accompanied by nasal congestion affecting only that side. 

Tension-Type Headaches

A tension-type headache is the most common type of headache and usually causes mild to moderate pain behind the eyes and in the head and neck. You may also feel pressure, like a tight band around your forehead. 

Since stress and certain activities often cause the muscle contractions in the head and neck that characterize tension headaches, this type of headache often occurs during waking hours. However, lack of sleep can precipitate morning-onset tension-type headaches. 

Hypnic Headaches

Hypnic headaches are sometimes called clockwise headaches or alarm clock headaches because they only develop during sleep and often wake the sufferer at the same time of night. 

Hypnic headaches are rare, but those affected can suffer attacks 10-15 times per month, with each episode lasting 15 minutes to four hours. 

Secondary Headaches

A secondary headache occurs when a symptom of a disease or medical condition activates the pain-sensitive nerves in the head. It would be difficult to list all of the medical problems that could potentially cause morning headaches, but a few common conditions include sinus infections, ear aches, dental problems, bruxism (teeth grinding), and hypertension (high blood pressure). Although less common, a brain tumor or aneurysm could certainly cause a severe morning headache.

Substances That Can Cause Morning Headaches

Scattered pills and a glass of alcoholic drink

If you’re sick and tired of waking up with a pounding head, consider problematic substances that could be low-hanging fruit ripe for rethinking. 


Drinking wine and other alcoholic beverages in excess and/or during the six hours before you go to bed can cause morning headaches, or part of what you may know as a hangover.

And alcohol is certainly not an effective sleep aid. Although its sedative properties may make it easier to fall asleep initially, alcohol has been shown to increase sleep fragmentation, sleep that’s sporadically interrupted by periods of wakefulness. 

The disruption of normal sleep patterns and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is important for learning and making and retaining memories, has been linked to some kinds of headaches.

Additionally, because alcohol is a diuretic — it stimulates your kidneys and causes more frequent urination — it can lead to dehydration, which causes your blood vessels to narrow as a way of maintaining adequate blood pressure. But because that narrowing also causes decreased blood flow to the brain, headaches sometimes follow.  

Even without alcohol consumption, waking up somewhat dehydrated is normal after going 6-9 hours without fluids. To minimize the associated discomfort (which may or may not include head pain), stay well-hydrated during the day and drink a glass of water upon waking. Just be wary of excess fluid intake in the hours before bed, since frequent trips to the bathroom during the night causes sleep fragmentation.


The word “headache” makes frequent appearances on the side effects lists of a variety of over-the-counter and prescription medications. Some of the most common ones that may cause headaches include anti-anxiety medicines and pain relievers including opioids, acetaminophen, and NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium.  

And because people suffering from severe headaches often reach for those very medications for relief, the risk of intensifying or prolonging a headache by using them is very real. Patients who develop a medication overuse headache (MOH) may not realize that what they’re taking for the pain is actually making it worse. 

Medications that interfere with sleep are equally problematic, as sleep loss can worsen headaches, which can lead to yet more lost sleep. 

Hope for Morning Headache Sufferers

As varied and numerous as the causes and types of morning headaches are, the treatments and therapies are equally plentiful — from stress management techniques and natural remedies to medications and supplements. Get a full medical exam and talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for you.

Thankfully, you don’t need a medical degree to address sleep problems, improve sleep hygiene, and reduce sleep debt. The RISE app gives you a clear picture of your sleep debt and circadian rhythm and can send you reminders for the sleep hygiene habits you want to adopt for better sleep, better days, and fewer headaches.


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Reviewed by
Jeff Kahn
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